Nectunia.PropertyInterface.Property Class Reference

Detailed Description

Base component to add properties on Gameobjects.

Inheritance diagram for Nectunia.PropertyInterface.Property:
Nectunia.PropertyInterface.MonoBehaviourTagged Nectunia.PropertyInterface.Property2 Nectunia.PropertyInterface.Property3


PropertyValue A [get, set]
 The PropertyValue A. More...
Property.SourceType SourcesType [get, set]
 The SourceType of the PropertyValue A. More...
Component Component [get, set]
 The Component of the PropertyValue A. More...
Type ComponentType [get]
 The ComponentType of the PropertyValue A. More...
- Properties inherited from Nectunia.PropertyInterface.MonoBehaviourTagged
TagID TagID [get, set]
 The TagID used by the component. More...
Tag.ValueType ValuesType [get, protected set]
 The Tag.ValueType of the component's values. More...
Tag Tag [get]
 Get from the Tags list the Tag wich have the same TagID than this component. More...
Texture2D Icon [get]
 Get the icon of the Tag More...

Public Attributes

BeforeUpdateCallbackDelegate onBeforeUpdateCallback
AfterUpdateCallbackDelegate onAfterUpdateCallback

Public Types

enum  SourceType { SourceType.Manual, SourceType.Component_Master, SourceType.Component_Slave }
 List all the possible sources for the PropertyValue. More...

Public Member Functions

delegate void BeforeUpdateCallbackDelegate ()
delegate void AfterUpdateCallbackDelegate ()
virtual void SetValuesType ()
 Set the Tag.ValueType for all PropertyValue. More...
virtual Type GetValuesSystemType ()
 Get the System Type of the values. More...
virtual void RefreshValuesObject ()
 Refresh all Object values with their serializedValues. More...
virtual void SynchronizeValues ()
 Synchronize the values with their sources if need. More...
virtual bool AtLeastOneSourceIsSet ()
 Check if the source of the value is set or not. More...
void OnEnable ()
 Add the Property in the PropertyUpdater in the Scene. More...
void DelayedUpdate ()
 Update the Type of the values and then synchronize them with their sources. More...
void OnDisable ()
 Remove the Property in the PropertyUpdater in the Scene. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Nectunia.PropertyInterface.MonoBehaviourTagged
virtual void UpdateValuesType ()
 Update ValuesType. More...
virtual bool CheckIntegrity ()
 Check if the Tag, ValuesType are good. Update the Icon anyway. More...
bool CheckValuesType (Tag tag)
 Check if the ValuesType is equals to the passed Tag.ValuesType. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static List< PropertyGetProperties (bool includeInactive=false)
 Get all Property in the current scene. More...
static List< PropertyGetProperties (TagID tagID, bool includeInactive=false)
 Get all Property in the current scene wich have the passed TagID. More...
static List< PropertyGetProperties (GameObject target)
 Get all Property in the target gameobject. More...
static List< PropertyGetProperties (GameObject target, TagID tagID)
 Get all Property in the target gameobject wich have the passed TagID. More...
static void GetProperties (ref List< Property > results, bool includeInactive=false)
 Get all Property in the current scene. More...
static void GetProperties (TagID tagID, ref List< Property > results, bool includeInactive=false)
 Get all Property in the current scene wich have the passed TagID. More...
static void GetProperties (GameObject target, ref List< Property > results)
 Get all Property in the target gameobject. More...
static void GetProperties (GameObject target, TagID tagID, ref List< Property > results)
 Get all Property in the target gameobject wich have the passed TagID. More...
static List< PropertyGetPropertiesInChildren (GameObject target, bool includeInactive=false)
 Get all Property in the target gameobject and it's children. More...
static List< PropertyGetPropertiesInChildren (GameObject target, TagID tagID, bool includeInactive=false)
 Get all Property with the passed TagID in the target gameobject and it's children. More...
static void GetPropertiesInChildren (GameObject target, ref List< Property > results, bool includeInactive=false)
 Get all Property in the target gameobject and it's children. More...
static void GetPropertiesInChildren (GameObject target, TagID tagID, ref List< Property > results, bool includeInactive=false)
 Get all Property with the passed TagID in the target gameobject and it's children. More...
static Property GetProperty (bool includeInactive=false)
 Get the First Property in the current scene. More...
static Property GetProperty (TagID tagID, bool includeInactive=false)
 Get the first Property in the current scene wich have the passed TagID. More...
static Property GetProperty (GameObject target)
 Get the first Property in the target gameobject. More...
static Property GetProperty (GameObject target, TagID tagID)
 Get the first Property in the target gameobject wich have the passed TagID. More...
static void GetProperty (ref Property result, bool includeInactive=false)
 Get the first Property in the current scene. More...
static void GetProperty (TagID tagID, ref Property result, bool includeInactive=false)
 Get the first Property in the current scene wich have the passed TagID. More...
static void GetProperty (GameObject target, ref Property result)
 Get the first Property in the target gameobject. More...
static void GetProperty (GameObject target, TagID tagID, ref Property result)
 Get the first Property in the target gameobject wich have the passed TagID. More...
static Property GetPropertyInChildren (GameObject target, bool includeInactive=false)
 Get the first Property in the target gameobject and it's children. More...
static Property GetPropertyInChildren (GameObject target, TagID tagID, bool includeInactive=false)
 Get the first Property with the passed TagID in the target gameobject and it's children. More...
static void GetPropertyInChildren (GameObject target, ref Property result, bool includeInactive=false)
 Get the first Property in the target gameobject and it's children. More...
static void GetPropertyInChildren (GameObject target, TagID tagID, ref Property result, bool includeInactive=false)
 Get the first Property with the passed TagID in the target gameobject and it's children. More...
static new bool Exists (bool includeInactive=false)
 Return True if at least one Property exists in the current scene or False otherwise More...
static new bool Exists (TagID tagId, bool includeInactive=false)
 Return True if at least one Property with passed TagID exists in the current scene or False otherwise More...
static new bool Exists (GameObject target)
 Return True if at least one Property exists in the target gameobject or False otherwise More...
static new bool Exists (GameObject target, TagID tagId)
 Return True if at least one Property with passed TagID exists in the target gameobject or False otherwise More...
static new bool ExistsInChildren (GameObject target, bool includeInactive=false)
 Return True if at least one Property exists in the target gameobject and its children or False otherwise More...
static new bool ExistsInChildren (GameObject target, TagID tagId, bool includeInactive=false)
 Return True if at least one Property with passed TagID exists in the target gameobject and its children or False otherwise More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Nectunia.PropertyInterface.MonoBehaviourTagged
static List< MonoBehaviourTaggedGetMonoBehavioursTagged (bool includeInactive=false)
 Get all MonoBehaviourTagged in the current scene. More...
static List< MonoBehaviourTaggedGetMonoBehavioursTagged (TagID tagID, bool includeInactive=false)
 Get all MonoBehaviourTagged in the current scene wich have the passed TagID. More...
static List< MonoBehaviourTaggedGetMonoBehavioursTagged (GameObject target)
 Get all MonoBehaviourTagged in the target gameobject. More...
static List< MonoBehaviourTaggedGetMonoBehavioursTagged (GameObject target, TagID tagID)
 Get all MonoBehaviourTagged in the target gameobject wich have the passed TagID. More...
static void GetMonoBehavioursTagged (ref List< MonoBehaviourTagged > results, bool includeInactive=false)
 Get all MonoBehaviourTagged in the current scene. More...
static void GetMonoBehavioursTagged (TagID tagID, ref List< MonoBehaviourTagged > results, bool includeInactive=false)
 Get all MonoBehaviourTagged in the current scene wich have the passed TagID. More...
static void GetMonoBehavioursTagged (GameObject target, ref List< MonoBehaviourTagged > results)
 Get all MonoBehaviourTagged in the target gameobject. More...
static void GetMonoBehavioursTagged (GameObject target, TagID tagID, ref List< MonoBehaviourTagged > results)
 Get all MonoBehaviourTagged in the target gameobject wich have the passed TagID. More...
static List< MonoBehaviourTaggedGetMonoBehavioursTaggedInChildren (GameObject target, bool includeInactive=false)
 Get all MonoBehaviourTagged in the target gameobject and it's children. More...
static List< MonoBehaviourTaggedGetMonoBehavioursTaggedInChildren (GameObject target, TagID tagID, bool includeInactive=false)
 Get all MonoBehaviourTagged with the passed TagID in the target gameobject and it's children. More...
static void GetMonoBehavioursTaggedInChildren (GameObject target, ref List< MonoBehaviourTagged > results, bool includeInactive=false)
 Get all MonoBehaviourTagged in the target gameobject and it's children. More...
static void GetMonoBehavioursTaggedInChildren (GameObject target, TagID tagID, ref List< MonoBehaviourTagged > results, bool includeInactive=false)
 Get all MonoBehaviourTagged with the passed TagID in the target gameobject and it's children. More...
static MonoBehaviourTagged GetMonoBehaviourTagged (bool includeInactive=false)
 Get the First MonoBehaviourTagged in the current scene. More...
static MonoBehaviourTagged GetMonoBehaviourTagged (TagID tagID, bool includeInactive=false)
 Get the first MonoBehaviourTagged in the current scene wich have the passed TagID. More...
static MonoBehaviourTagged GetMonoBehaviourTagged (GameObject target)
 Get the first MonoBehaviourTagged in the target gameobject. . More...
static MonoBehaviourTagged GetMonoBehaviourTagged (GameObject target, TagID tagID)
 Get the first MonoBehaviourTagged in the target gameobject wich have the passed TagID. More...
static void GetMonoBehaviourTagged (ref MonoBehaviourTagged result, bool includeInactive=false)
 Get the first MonoBehaviourTagged in the current scene. More...
static void GetMonoBehaviourTagged (TagID tagID, ref MonoBehaviourTagged result, bool includeInactive=false)
 Get the first MonoBehaviourTagged in the current scene wich have the passed TagID. More...
static void GetMonoBehaviourTagged (GameObject target, ref MonoBehaviourTagged result)
 Get the first MonoBehaviourTagged in the target gameobject. More...
static void GetMonoBehaviourTagged (GameObject target, TagID tagID, ref MonoBehaviourTagged result)
 Get the first MonoBehaviourTagged in the target gameobject wich have the passed TagID. More...
static MonoBehaviourTagged GetMonoBehaviourTaggedInChildren (GameObject target, bool includeInactive=false)
 Get the first MonoBehaviourTagged in the target gameobject and it's children. More...
static MonoBehaviourTagged GetMonoBehaviourTaggedInChildren (GameObject target, TagID tagID, bool includeInactive=false)
 Get the first MonoBehaviourTagged with the passed TagID in the target gameobject and it's children. More...
static void GetMonoBehaviourTaggedInChildren (GameObject target, ref MonoBehaviourTagged result, bool includeInactive=false)
 Get the first MonoBehaviourTagged in the target gameobject and it's children. More...
static void GetMonoBehaviourTaggedInChildren (GameObject target, TagID tagID, ref MonoBehaviourTagged result, bool includeInactive=false)
 Get the first MonoBehaviourTagged with the passed TagID in the target gameobject and it's children. More...
static bool Exists (bool includeInactive=false)
 Return True if at least one MonoBehaviourTagged exists in the current scene or False otherwise. More...
static bool Exists (TagID tagId, bool includeInactive=false)
 Return True if at least one MonoBehaviourTagged with passed TagID exists in the current scene or False otherwise. More...
static bool Exists (GameObject target)
 Return True if at least one MonoBehaviourTagged exists in the target gameobject or False otherwise. More...
static bool Exists (GameObject target, TagID tagId)
 Return True if at least one MonoBehaviourTagged with passed TagID exists in the target gameobject or False otherwise. More...
static bool ExistsInChildren (GameObject target, bool includeInactive=false)
 Return True if at least one MonoBehaviourTagged exists in the target gameobject and its children or False otherwise. More...
static bool ExistsInChildren (GameObject target, TagID tagId, bool includeInactive=false)
 Return True if at least one MonoBehaviourTagged with passed TagID exists in the target gameobject and its children or False otherwise. More...

Protected Attributes

PropertyValue _A
- Protected Attributes inherited from Nectunia.PropertyInterface.MonoBehaviourTagged
TagID _tagID = -1L
Tag.ValueType _valuesType = Tag.DEFAULT_VALUESTYPE

Protected Member Functions

virtual void SetValuesSourceType (Property.SourceType newType)
 Set a new Property.SourceType for all PropertyValue. More...
virtual void SetValuesComponent (Component newComponent)
 Set a new Component for all PropertyValue. More...
override void OnValuesTypeChanged ()
 Event triggered when the Type of the values changed. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Nectunia.PropertyInterface.MonoBehaviourTagged
virtual void OnTagIDChanged ()
 Event triggered when TagID changed. More...
virtual void WarningUpdate ()
 Log a warning in the console to say the MonoBehaviourTagged have to be updated. More...
virtual void WarningUpdate (Tag tag)
 Log a warning in the console to say the MonoBehaviourTagged have to be updated. More...
virtual void WarningUnknownTag ()
 Log a warning in the console to say the MonoBehaviourTagged have an Unknown Tag. More...
virtual void WarningIconUpdated (Tag tag)
 Log a warning in the console to say the MonoBehaviourTagged icon have been automaticaly updated. More...

Property Documentation

◆ A

PropertyValue Nectunia.PropertyInterface.Property.A

The PropertyValue A.

◆ Component

Component Nectunia.PropertyInterface.Property.Component

The Component of the PropertyValue A.

◆ ComponentType

Type Nectunia.PropertyInterface.Property.ComponentType

The ComponentType of the PropertyValue A.

◆ SourcesType

Property.SourceType Nectunia.PropertyInterface.Property.SourcesType

The SourceType of the PropertyValue A.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AfterUpdateCallbackDelegate()

delegate void Nectunia.PropertyInterface.Property.AfterUpdateCallbackDelegate ( )

◆ AtLeastOneSourceIsSet()

virtual bool Nectunia.PropertyInterface.Property.AtLeastOneSourceIsSet ( )

Check if the source of the value is set or not.

True if the value.Source is set. False otherwise.

Reimplemented in Nectunia.PropertyInterface.Property3, and Nectunia.PropertyInterface.Property2.

◆ BeforeUpdateCallbackDelegate()

delegate void Nectunia.PropertyInterface.Property.BeforeUpdateCallbackDelegate ( )

◆ DelayedUpdate()

void Nectunia.PropertyInterface.Property.DelayedUpdate ( )

Update the Type of the values and then synchronize them with their sources.

◆ Exists() [1/4]

static new bool Nectunia.PropertyInterface.Property.Exists ( bool  includeInactive = false)

Return True if at least one Property exists in the current scene or False otherwise

includeInactiveInclude inactive GameObject ?
True if at least one Property exists in the current scene or False otherwise.

◆ Exists() [2/4]

static new bool Nectunia.PropertyInterface.Property.Exists ( GameObject  target)

Return True if at least one Property exists in the target gameobject or False otherwise

targetThe target Gameobject in wich to search.
True if at least one Property exists in the target gameobject or False otherwise.

◆ Exists() [3/4]

static new bool Nectunia.PropertyInterface.Property.Exists ( GameObject  target,
TagID  tagId 

Return True if at least one Property with passed TagID exists in the target gameobject or False otherwise

targetThe target Gameobject in wich to search.
tagIdThe TagID we are looking for.
True if at least one Property with passed TagID exist in the target gameobject or False otherwise.

◆ Exists() [4/4]

static new bool Nectunia.PropertyInterface.Property.Exists ( TagID  tagId,
bool  includeInactive = false 

Return True if at least one Property with passed TagID exists in the current scene or False otherwise

tagIdThe TagID we are looking for.
includeInactiveInclude inactive GameObject ?
True if at least one Property with passed TagID exists in the current scene or False otherwise.

◆ ExistsInChildren() [1/2]

static new bool Nectunia.PropertyInterface.Property.ExistsInChildren ( GameObject  target,
bool  includeInactive = false 

Return True if at least one Property exists in the target gameobject and its children or False otherwise

targetThe target Gameobject in wich to search.
includeInactiveInclude Inactive component.
True if at least one Property exists or in the target gameobject and its children or False otherwise.

◆ ExistsInChildren() [2/2]

static new bool Nectunia.PropertyInterface.Property.ExistsInChildren ( GameObject  target,
TagID  tagId,
bool  includeInactive = false 

Return True if at least one Property with passed TagID exists in the target gameobject and its children or False otherwise

targetThe target Gameobject in wich to search.
tagIdThe TagID we are looking for.
includeInactiveInclude Inactive component.
True if at least one Property with passed TagID exists in the target gameobject and its children or False otherwise.

◆ GetProperties() [1/8]

static List<Property> Nectunia.PropertyInterface.Property.GetProperties ( bool  includeInactive = false)

Get all Property in the current scene.

/!\ This function is very slow. It is not recommended to use this function every frame.

includeInactiveInclude inactive GameObject ?
The list of all Property component in the scene.

◆ GetProperties() [2/8]

static List<Property> Nectunia.PropertyInterface.Property.GetProperties ( GameObject  target)

Get all Property in the target gameobject.

/!\ This function is very slow. It is not recommended to use this function every frame.

targetThe target Gameobject in wich to search.
The list of all Property component in the target gameobject.

◆ GetProperties() [3/8]

static void Nectunia.PropertyInterface.Property.GetProperties ( GameObject  target,
ref List< Property results 

Get all Property in the target gameobject.

/!\ This function is very slow. It is not recommended to use this function every frame.

targetThe target Gameobject in wich to search.
resultsThe list of all Property component in the target gameobject.

◆ GetProperties() [4/8]

static List<Property> Nectunia.PropertyInterface.Property.GetProperties ( GameObject  target,
TagID  tagID 

Get all Property in the target gameobject wich have the passed TagID.

/!\ This function is very slow. It is not recommended to use this function every frame.

targetThe target Gameobject in wich to search.
tagIDThe tagID we are looking for.
The list of all Property in the target gameobject wich have the passed TagID.

◆ GetProperties() [5/8]

static void Nectunia.PropertyInterface.Property.GetProperties ( GameObject  target,
TagID  tagID,
ref List< Property results 

Get all Property in the target gameobject wich have the passed TagID.

/!\ This function is very slow. It is not recommended to use this function every frame.

targetThe target Gameobject in wich to search.
tagIDThe tagID we are looking for.
resultsThe list of all Property in the target gameobject wich have the passed TagID.

◆ GetProperties() [6/8]

static void Nectunia.PropertyInterface.Property.GetProperties ( ref List< Property results,
bool  includeInactive = false 

Get all Property in the current scene.

/!\ This function is very slow. It is not recommended to use this function every frame.

resultsThe list of all Property component in the scene.
includeInactiveInclude inactive GameObject ?

◆ GetProperties() [7/8]

static List<Property> Nectunia.PropertyInterface.Property.GetProperties ( TagID  tagID,
bool  includeInactive = false 

Get all Property in the current scene wich have the passed TagID.

/!\ This function is very slow. It is not recommended to use this function every frame.

tagIDThe tagID we are looking for.
includeInactiveInclude inactive GameObject ?
The list of all Property in the scene wich have the passed TagID.

◆ GetProperties() [8/8]

static void Nectunia.PropertyInterface.Property.GetProperties ( TagID  tagID,
ref List< Property results,
bool  includeInactive = false 

Get all Property in the current scene wich have the passed TagID.

/!\ This function is very slow. It is not recommended to use this function every frame.

tagIDThe tagID we are looking for.
resultsThe list of all Property in the scene wich have the passed TagID.
includeInactiveInclude inactive GameObject ?

◆ GetPropertiesInChildren() [1/4]

static List<Property> Nectunia.PropertyInterface.Property.GetPropertiesInChildren ( GameObject  target,
bool  includeInactive = false 

Get all Property in the target gameobject and it's children.

/!\ This function is very slow. It is not recommended to use this function every frame.

targetThe target Gameobject in wich to search.
includeInactiveInclude inactive GameObject ?
The list of all Property component in the target gameobject.

◆ GetPropertiesInChildren() [2/4]

static void Nectunia.PropertyInterface.Property.GetPropertiesInChildren ( GameObject  target,
ref List< Property results,
bool  includeInactive = false 

Get all Property in the target gameobject and it's children.

/!\ This function is very slow. It is not recommended to use this function every frame.

targetThe target Gameobject in wich to search.
resultsThe list of all Property component in the target gameobject.
includeInactiveInclude inactive GameObject ?

◆ GetPropertiesInChildren() [3/4]

static List<Property> Nectunia.PropertyInterface.Property.GetPropertiesInChildren ( GameObject  target,
TagID  tagID,
bool  includeInactive = false 

Get all Property with the passed TagID in the target gameobject and it's children.

/!\ This function is very slow. It is not recommended to use this function every frame.

targetThe target Gameobject in wich to search.
tagIDThe tagID we are looking for.
includeInactiveInclude inactive GameObject ?
The list of all Property component with the passed TagID in the target gameobject and it's children.

◆ GetPropertiesInChildren() [4/4]

static void Nectunia.PropertyInterface.Property.GetPropertiesInChildren ( GameObject  target,
TagID  tagID,
ref List< Property results,
bool  includeInactive = false 

Get all Property with the passed TagID in the target gameobject and it's children.

/!\ This function is very slow. It is not recommended to use this function every frame.

targetThe target Gameobject in wich to search.
tagIDThe tagID we are looking for.
resultsThe list of all Property component with the passed TagID in the target gameobject and it's children.
includeInactiveInclude inactive GameObject ?

◆ GetProperty() [1/8]

static Property Nectunia.PropertyInterface.Property.GetProperty ( bool  includeInactive = false)

Get the First Property in the current scene.

/!\ This function is very slow. It is not recommended to use this function every frame.

includeInactiveInclude inactive GameObject ?
The First Property in the current scene or null if none is found.

◆ GetProperty() [2/8]

static Property Nectunia.PropertyInterface.Property.GetProperty ( GameObject  target)

Get the first Property in the target gameobject.

/!\ This function is very slow. It is not recommended to use this function every frame.

targetThe target Gameobject in wich to search.
The first Property component in the target gameobject.

◆ GetProperty() [3/8]

static void Nectunia.PropertyInterface.Property.GetProperty ( GameObject  target,
ref Property  result 

Get the first Property in the target gameobject.

/!\ This function is very slow. It is not recommended to use this function every frame.

targetThe target Gameobject in wich to search.
resultThe first Property component in the target gameobject./param>

◆ GetProperty() [4/8]

static Property Nectunia.PropertyInterface.Property.GetProperty ( GameObject  target,
TagID  tagID 

Get the first Property in the target gameobject wich have the passed TagID.

/!\ This function is very slow. It is not recommended to use this function every frame.

targetThe target Gameobject in wich to search.
tagIDThe tagID we are looking for.
The first Property in the target gameobject wich have the passed TagID.

◆ GetProperty() [5/8]

static void Nectunia.PropertyInterface.Property.GetProperty ( GameObject  target,
TagID  tagID,
ref Property  result 

Get the first Property in the target gameobject wich have the passed TagID.

/!\ This function is very slow. It is not recommended to use this function every frame.

targetThe target Gameobject in wich to search.
tagIDThe tagID we are looking for.
resultThe first Property in the target gameobject wich have the passed TagID.

◆ GetProperty() [6/8]

static void Nectunia.PropertyInterface.Property.GetProperty ( ref Property  result,
bool  includeInactive = false 

Get the first Property in the current scene.

/!\ This function is very slow. It is not recommended to use this function every frame.

resultThe first Property component in the scene.
includeInactiveInclude inactive GameObject ?

◆ GetProperty() [7/8]

static Property Nectunia.PropertyInterface.Property.GetProperty ( TagID  tagID,
bool  includeInactive = false 

Get the first Property in the current scene wich have the passed TagID.

/!\ This function is very slow. It is not recommended to use this function every frame.

tagIDThe tagID we are looking for.
includeInactiveInclude inactive GameObject ?
The first Property in the scene wich have the passed TagID.

◆ GetProperty() [8/8]

static void Nectunia.PropertyInterface.Property.GetProperty ( TagID  tagID,
ref Property  result,
bool  includeInactive = false 

Get the first Property in the current scene wich have the passed TagID.

/!\ This function is very slow. It is not recommended to use this function every frame.

tagIDThe tagID we are looking for.
resultThe first Property in the scene wich have the passed TagID.
includeInactiveInclude inactive GameObject ?

◆ GetPropertyInChildren() [1/4]

static Property Nectunia.PropertyInterface.Property.GetPropertyInChildren ( GameObject  target,
bool  includeInactive = false 

Get the first Property in the target gameobject and it's children.

/!\ This function is very slow. It is not recommended to use this function every frame.

targetThe target Gameobject in wich to search
includeInactiveInclude inactive GameObject ?
The first Property component in the target gameobject

◆ GetPropertyInChildren() [2/4]

static void Nectunia.PropertyInterface.Property.GetPropertyInChildren ( GameObject  target,
ref Property  result,
bool  includeInactive = false 

Get the first Property in the target gameobject and it's children.

/!\ This function is very slow. It is not recommended to use this function every frame.

targetThe target Gameobject in wich to search.
resultThe first Property component in the target gameobject.
includeInactiveInclude inactive GameObject ?

◆ GetPropertyInChildren() [3/4]

static Property Nectunia.PropertyInterface.Property.GetPropertyInChildren ( GameObject  target,
TagID  tagID,
bool  includeInactive = false 

Get the first Property with the passed TagID in the target gameobject and it's children.

/!\ This function is very slow. It is not recommended to use this function every frame.

targetThe target Gameobject in wich to search.
tagIDThe tagID we are looking for.
includeInactiveInclude inactive GameObject ?
The first Property component with the passed TagID in the target gameobject and it's children.

◆ GetPropertyInChildren() [4/4]

static void Nectunia.PropertyInterface.Property.GetPropertyInChildren ( GameObject  target,
TagID  tagID,
ref Property  result,
bool  includeInactive = false 

Get the first Property with the passed TagID in the target gameobject and it's children.

/!\ This function is very slow. It is not recommended to use this function every frame.

targetThe target Gameobject in wich to search.
tagIDThe tagID we are looking for.
resultThe first Property component with the passed TagID in the target gameobject and it's children.
includeInactiveInclude inactive GameObject ?

◆ GetValuesSystemType()

virtual Type Nectunia.PropertyInterface.Property.GetValuesSystemType ( )

Get the System Type of the values.

◆ OnDisable()

void Nectunia.PropertyInterface.Property.OnDisable ( )

Remove the Property in the PropertyUpdater in the Scene.

◆ OnEnable()

void Nectunia.PropertyInterface.Property.OnEnable ( )

Add the Property in the PropertyUpdater in the Scene.

◆ OnValuesTypeChanged()

override void Nectunia.PropertyInterface.Property.OnValuesTypeChanged ( )

Event triggered when the Type of the values changed.

Reimplemented from Nectunia.PropertyInterface.MonoBehaviourTagged.

◆ RefreshValuesObject()

virtual void Nectunia.PropertyInterface.Property.RefreshValuesObject ( )

Refresh all Object values with their serializedValues.

Reimplemented in Nectunia.PropertyInterface.Property3, and Nectunia.PropertyInterface.Property2.

◆ SetValuesComponent()

virtual void Nectunia.PropertyInterface.Property.SetValuesComponent ( Component  newComponent)

Set a new Component for all PropertyValue.

newComponentThe new Component.

Reimplemented in Nectunia.PropertyInterface.Property3, and Nectunia.PropertyInterface.Property2.

◆ SetValuesSourceType()

virtual void Nectunia.PropertyInterface.Property.SetValuesSourceType ( Property.SourceType  newType)

Set a new Property.SourceType for all PropertyValue.

newTypeThe new Property.SourceType.

◆ SetValuesType()

virtual void Nectunia.PropertyInterface.Property.SetValuesType ( )

◆ SynchronizeValues()

virtual void Nectunia.PropertyInterface.Property.SynchronizeValues ( )

Synchronize the values with their sources if need.

Reimplemented in Nectunia.PropertyInterface.Property3, and Nectunia.PropertyInterface.Property2.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ SourceType

List all the possible sources for the PropertyValue.


Member Data Documentation

◆ _A

PropertyValue Nectunia.PropertyInterface.Property._A

◆ onAfterUpdateCallback

AfterUpdateCallbackDelegate Nectunia.PropertyInterface.Property.onAfterUpdateCallback

◆ onBeforeUpdateCallback

BeforeUpdateCallbackDelegate Nectunia.PropertyInterface.Property.onBeforeUpdateCallback